Algo está pasando aquí
3/06Hay un hombre aquí con unas matemáticas (#sangrientas) que me dice que debo tener cuidado.
There’s Something Happening Here$
3/05There's a man with some (#gory) math over here, telling me I got to beware.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightHow Bad Could It Get?B
2/26Replacement level, on a team level, might not mean what is used to.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightAre Replacement Pitchers Getting Better?B
2/19We continue our series on whether the idea of replacement level needs an overhaul.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightAre Replacement Players Getting Better?$
2/12"Replacement level" is a product of its time. Have times changed?
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_right¿Deberíamos lanzar con más fuerza?
1/30La explicación obvia es probablemente parte del problema.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShould We Overthrow?$
1/29The obvious explanation is probably part of the problem.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_right¿Quién se robó la antesala?
1/24Existe algo mucho más relevante que un simple margen de error.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightWho Stole Third?$
1/22There's more room for error here.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightWhen We Were Young and FoolishB
1/15We have a mess on our hands, and as usual, we'll have to look to the youth to clean it up.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightThe NFL is to CTE as MLB is to UCL$
1/08It's a five-alarm mess of a problem.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightThe Impossible Decision$
12/18If you want to fix the game, you may have to break the game.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightBaseball Therapy: Swing Hard, Not Up$
12/11There's a tipping point for fly balls.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightThe Faintly Yellow At-Bat$
12/04It's an idea that might have worked in the right time—one before calculators.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightSo You’ve Decided to Trust the RobotsB
11/27Turns out the human element has been covering for some very human rules.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightWhy Do They Swing For The Fences?$
11/20It would be a shame if MLB had a little... accident... in their baseball production facilities.
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