Continuing his work with WX, Dan quantifies some of the biggest comebacks in recent memory.
Dan moves to the Win Expectancy framework for a quick look at the most “clutch” performances from 2005.
Working the inside seam yet again, Dan looks at differences between the leagues and the impact of a few extraordinary gentlemen.
To stick with the theme, you might say that Dan’s column on historic HBP rates engendered a massive retaliatory response from readers.
Dan takes a look at historical HBP rates.
Dan responds to readers’ thoughts on the subject of platoon splits.
Dan takes a closer look at baserunning aggressiveness, including an analysis of rundowns.
Dan takes a closer look at platoon splits, responding to some questions about why splits aren’t taken more seriously in sabermetric circles.
Dan shows the relationship between quantum physics and sabermetrics before delving into Win Expectancy.
Our newest contributor introduces himself, and explains why the Cubs are overdue for a winning season.
Dan Fox joins the staff at Baseball Prospectus, and debuts his new weekly column with a closer look at Wily Mo Pena.