The Los Angeles Dodgers Launch Event By: Matt Sussman Words can’t possibly express the innovation that Dodgers president Andrew Friedman unveiled at their much-anticipated launch event, so below is an audio transcript of his presentation. CLICK TO PLAY Pride and Joy By: James Fegan My father’s favorite baseball player of all time was Emil Brown….
The Mystery of The Greatest Baseball Mystery By: Mary Craig Throughout July and August of 1913, the Des Moines Evening Tribune published a serial novella by A.H.C. Mitchell titled “The Triple Tie.” The novel, Mitchell’s second and second-to-last publication, was advertised by the newspaper as the “greatest baseball mystery” ever that would appeal to those…
Christmas Time is Here By: Meg Rowley I asked my mom the other day, and she told me that as a kid, I never pitched a fit when I didn’t get what I wanted for Christmas. We were watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, as we do this time of year. There is a scene when…
Offseason Athlete Social Media Posts, Ranked By: James Fegan 5. Seemingly endless Instagram live video of their workout routine Most would rank this near the very top because it is literally the only thing an athlete can do to avoid a wave of “Shouldn’t you be working out?” in the comments. Even the workout video…
Summer Not Summer By: Holly M. Wendt Thanksgiving week took me to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A relative was getting married there, an excellent reason to escape the chill creeping up the spine of the northeast. I’ve been in Florida before—marching band trips and Walt Disney World and one lovely coincidental conference that allowed me to…
The Speculative Farewell By: James Fegan The end of baseball season exposed us to a phenomenon that seems rooted in the concept of “let people smell the roses while they still can,” which I have only been able to term “The Speculative Farewell.” The Wrigley Field faithful gave Jake Arrieta a rousing ovation when he…
The Once and Future Series By Holly M. Wendt Unlike the wizard Merlin of Arthurian legend, I was not gifted with the ability foresee the future, nor, as in the iteration of the story reimagined by T. H. White in The Sword in the Stone, with the dubious gift of living backwards through time. White’s…
On Being a Team Player By: Kate Preusser Sometimes at work we are asked to assume duties that are not part of our jobs, but need to be performed due to emergency or incompetence or being swept up in a coup attempt in a tiny island nation. And so we, the loyal workers, smile and…
A Man and His Bat By: James Fegan Going viral on Twitter is like the full arc of becoming popular in high school, boiled down to an 18-hour experience. The first hour is the rush of a new level of attention and the next 17 hours are revulsion at the wave of unwanted input from…
Disrespect By: James Fegan A crime has to have a victim. Otherwise, it is probably just hating. Are you a hater? Let’s not consider it. Yasiel Puig’s bat-flips have become a topic of debate because 1) we have to try force conversation about the paltry one or two games we can watch all day and…
Today’s selection: Authors, animals, and artifice.
Two pieces on embarrassment, in a way, and one on the cold at the end of the year. None of it is real.
Baseball is both of the stars and on the ground, frequently at the same time; within lies the truth.
Holly M. Wendt takes on an alien not, for once, named Hunter; Meg Rowley examines furniture; James Fegan appreciates audio technology.
A memory of twin hurricanes named Howard and Ernesto, and a catalogue of the supposed best swag the minor leagues have to offer.
A poem for those preparing for battle, and an analysis of the aftermath.