A look at how the hot corner stacks up for Scoresheet leagues.
The Scoresheet team reveals the rest of its positional rankings to help you decide on your keepers.
A look at how this position breaks down for Scoresheet leagues, including rankings and which players would benefit contenders and rebuilders.
A look at how this position breaks down for Scoresheet leagues, including rankings and which players would benefit contenders and rebuilders.
In the second edition of the Three True Outcomes podcast, our fantasy crew looks at first basemen for Scoresheet leagues.
In the debut edition of the Three True Outcomes podcast, our fantasy crew looks at catchers for Scoresheet leagues.
Scoresheet can be a tough mistress, as BP’s Celebrity Scoresheet League crowns a champion.
More news from the BP celebrity Scoresheet league.
Inherent in the desire to develop better baseball statistics–and as a result, improve baseball analysis–is the belief that this information is not only available but also not being used by the men and women who run baseball. As Moneyball and the resulting reaction has showed, some General Managers seem to be using the same methods for performance evaluation that were used 20 or 40 years ago. It therefore stands to reason that GMs are paying players not for actual performance, but rather for perceived performance as viewed through the rusty and decrepit glasses of decades-old beliefs about the statistics of the game. For this study we wanted to find out if General Managers were, in fact, paying players along the lines of their objective “value” (as defined by VORP), or if there were something else in play.