The 2014 stadium tour returns to northern California
Join BP in Seattle for the second straight year
Join the TrackMan team as an Analytics/Operations Intern
Join the MLBAM team for 2014!
Baseball Pros to Teach Game to Kids in Limerick and Dublin
Back by popular demand, subscribe now and receive a free PDF copy of the 2013 Futures Guide
Due to recent requests, we’re now accepting sponsorships for the Fringe Average and Effective Wild podcasts
Indians seek a Data Architect for Baseball Systems
St. Louis research and development looking to hire a web application developer with strong baseball knowledge.
The BP crew returns to the K
Scout John Tumminia brings baseball clinic to Kenya
BP 2013 Stadium Tour makes a stop in Cincinnati
Join Baseball Prospectus for a special FREE All-Star Pregame Party at Foley’s on July 16 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Going to Fanfest this week in NY? Join us at the set.
Ballpark tour rolls into St. Louis
8/17 – 8/18 in Boston, MA: Sabermetrics, Scouting, and the Science of Baseball plus a BP Afterparty!