Believe It Or Not, We’re Batting Around By: Matt Sussman For those who remember the internet before it became a tentacle hellscape with occasional food opinions, we refreshed our browsers every Monday hoping for a new episode of Homestar Runner, a weird but lovely Flash cartoon made by two guys in Atlanta. I’m still not…
The BOTTALICO Communication Program Presented By: Patrick Dubuque Thanks for reading Short Relief! We’d like to take a moment to share a word from our sponsors. Managing a business is hard. Employees are lazy, amoral people who do things like eat non-liquid food and read non-work material like baseball articles on company time. We know…
The Cost of a Shirsey By: Mary Craig The first piece of baseball clothing I can recall owning was a Manny Ramirez shirsey. He was my favorite player because he was all the things I was not: carefree, lackadaisical, and effortlessly brilliant at baseball. But the shirsey was more than just a physical manifestation of…
Mary, Kate and Trevor reflect on the final moments of the Red Sox, in terms of prospects, walls, and toilets.
Abraham Lincoln ‘Sweetbread’ Bailey was the third and final of such a name to play professional baseball, following ‘Ham’ Wade and Abe Wolstenholme.
Two pieces on embarrassment, in a way, and one on the cold at the end of the year. None of it is real.
Please consider donating to United for Puerto Rico to aid America’s forgotten people in their lengthy, arduous recovery from Hurricane Maria.
Dugout interviews on the one hand; wins on the other.
Homers used to be good; now they’re the bread in a failure sandwich.
The Dodgers re-rebrand, the best places in baseball to cry, and the All-Philosopher lineup.
Longtime milk wagon driver Edward Young showed up at Wrigley Field on June 21, intending to enjoy a peaceful day at the ballpark.
The keys to life: how to tweet, how to eat in a non-destructive fashion, and how to use animals to diffuse your existential terror.
Short Relief offers an expanded slate today, celebrating Houston and the Astros, and asking you to donate toward the relief efforts there.
Leadership is often viewed as critical to a team’s success, but it is also incredibly difficult to quantify, taking on many forms and adapting to the particularities of the game.
A Tigers rookie gets his first taste of battle, and a people’s history of players weekends.
Short Relief devotes a week to shining the spotlight on a handful of players who, for one reason or another, never quite got the love they deserve.