Lose yourself in the Hit List the jokin’ you own it you better never let it go
Hey now, you’re an All-Star edition of the Daily Hit List
Mostly LOLs, a few SMHs, and one or two SMDHs
Just four more Hit Lists until the WEEEEEEEEEEEKEND
Find out what happens when Sussman stops being polite… and starts writing the Hit List.
I put my hand on your hip, when I Hit you Hit we Hit
It’s called the Hit LIst because the Braves comment will make you want to hit Matt, hard.
Featuring 29 comments this site can be proud of.
In which you sense Matt very nearly made a joke about “the fog of WAR,” or perhaps “the WAR of fog”
All that she wants is another hit list, it’s gone tomorrow
Look: there’s just no way you know ALL of these fun facts and have heard ALL of these jokes, right?
After a five-game winning streak, will the Astros be in the top spot? Click the Hit List to find out!