A Hit List for Rich Hill day, or, if you prefer, Real Chill day.
Worth reading all the way down to the Braves’ one, in my opinion.
It’s Friday, Friday, remember that song called Friday?
First Queensryche joke of the year; now on pace for 13 this season.
It’s Friday, Friday, got a sack of jokes for Friday.
We made it to October! Congrats everyone!
Don’t worry, America. The Hit List hustles every time.
The hiring of Mike Hazen in Boston may say more about Dave Dombrowski than anything else.
A Hit List. I’m wearing a Hit List, Joel.
The Hit List Magic Number is down to eight. Eight! Feel the excitement!
In Fargo, six or seven kids read the Hit List in a strip mall. I thought they were bored out of their skulls, but it turns out they were having a ball. Uh huh.
If you are out of lighter fluid before the big barbeque weekend, just toss these hot takes onto the grill.