Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity, To read every joke you ever wanted, one Hit List, would you capture it or just let it slip?
Did you miss your Hit List? Because your Hit LIst missed you.
Hit List in the front seat, Hit List in the back seat, gotta make my mind up, Hit List can I taaaake?
Math and statistics about Chris Carter, Mark Kotsay’s age, Craig Kimbrel’s surcharges, and a fifth-century Viking named Mond.
Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes after … wards. I don’t want this Hit List to end!
It’s Thursday, Thursday, gotta get down on Thursday, everybody’s looking forward to the Hit List
We-we-we so excited. We so excited. We gonna have a Hit List today.
This Hit List can open your eyes, take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under on a Magic Castle ride
This is what happens when you hit a man in the list.
Hit Listin’ Hit Listin’ (Yeah!), Hit Listin’ Hit Listin’ (Yeah) Fun Fun Fun Fun Lookin’ forward to the Hit List
Within: the previously unreported origin of GIFs
Step by step, day by day, a fresh start over, a different hand to play.
Which team has 99 problems but Joe Mauer ain’t one? Click through to find out!!!
Everybody get up, everybody get up, hey hey hey hey, hey hey hey hey, hey hey Hit List