Los Astros han sido uno de los grandes temas de la postemporada por razones extradeportivas. ¿Pero qué hay de su plantilla?
Traducido por José M. Hernández Lagunes Los Chicago White Sox ficharon al LD Kelvin Herrera por dos años y $18 millones de dólares [7 de enero] Durante varios meses, al tiempo que los supuestos pretendientes reportaban pobreza o desinterés, la temporada invernal de los White Sox se puede resumir en que se balancea en el…
So you’re thinking of marketing your MLB star? Great! You’ve taken the first step on a profitable and rewarding journey. First, a few questions: Is your MLB star good at baseball? If the answer is no, perhaps reconsider this exercise, as ironic admiration, or really any level of irony at all, has not made its…
What would need to happen for the White Sox to wind up in the playoff race a year sooner than anyone expected?
Milwaukee bets on Anthony Swarzak’s bullpen breakout, Danny Espinosa and Rob Refsnyder find new homes, and the White Sox add another prospect.
Davidson is off to a great start, but is also clearly aware that work remains to be done.