All the cool teams are collecting relievers again, but are they more like pogs or Magic: The Gathering cards?
Bunting and broccoli and the brain.
Just how much of a difference does a good closer make?
Spoiler: It’s not $15.8 million.
How do we use our skills as statheads in a field that evades us?
When it comes to the World Series, the home-rules advantage trumps the home-field advantage.
Do October’s starts reflect May’s decisions?
Exploring how much a bad outing affects a reliever the next day–and whether managers should be changing their routines based on it.
Is there a solution for the Pirates Problem?
Putting a big chill on the hot-hand theory of player performance at the plate.
Is it as simple as pitch count, or does degree of difficulty factor in?
Here comes the call-ups again; can we trust the stats they’ll put up in September?
Games and their breaking can teach us something about beating baseball