Do veterans give the gift of grind-avoidance?
Do pitchers change approaches depending on their defense? How should credit (in the sense of WAR) be assigned if so?
Our resident clinical psychologist weighs in on the Starlin Castro/ADHD kerfuffle.
A new approach on the “What if this ace were a reliever?” and “What if this fireman were a starter?” questions
Do any hitters show a consistent ability to fight off degradation of skills as the year goes on?
Is divisioncest really such a bad idea?
The Rays have turned a punted roster spot into a positive.
It’s unlikely that chemistry is worth nothing, so how much is it worth?
Everything you could ever want to know about the causes and effects of a pitcher’s pickoff throws
Our resident gory math expert takes us play-by-play for science.
Who gets the credit/blame for fielding and baserunning events?
Did Bill James revolutionize baseball? Did we? Did Michael Lewis?
Is the craziest thing we saw this week actually a darned defensible strategy?
Do pitchers do worse the third time through the order because they’re gassed or familiar? The Rays seem intent on finding out.