What’s more likely, a five-homer game or a five-strikeout inning? Gory math!
“You can’t just trade him for nothing!” Sure you can.
Minor leaguers are probably underpaid
Where should a manager bat his burners? And how much does it matter?
Ben and Russell discuss whether trading David Price (or anyone else) to another team in the same division makes sense.
Ben and Russell talk to Scout.com National Baseball Analyst Kiley McDaniel about the strategic approach to the international free agent market and why the Yankees are spending so much.
The injury impact of high-stress innings.
What explains the low success rate of amateur prospects from the Northeast?
Why predicting player breakouts is more important than minimizing error.
How do state pitch count limits for amateurs affect future elbow injury rates?
Clear out some clutter and do some good.
Which teams have been best and worst at the draft? And will they be still be the best and worst next year?
A BP author passes on the baseball bug.
There’s a new list of recommended ways to prevent serious elbow injuries. Now, how do we implement them?
How good are teams at predicting player performance in the draft?
Who are the best hitting and pitching coaches? Or is it impossible to tell?