Are teams passing up an advantage by not telling their corner outfielders to trade places based on the batter?
An argument in favor of more nuanced free agent analysis.
And why scouting and player development are your team’s hidden superstars.
Do runners perform worse when they’re inserted late in games?
An open letter in response to Murray Chass’ recent rant about fielding metrics and the Gold Gloves.
Investigating St. Louis’ success with runners in scoring position.
Does pitching a shutdown inning deserve the recognition it gets on baseball broadcasts?
Putting momentum to the test.
What do the stats say about the value of previous playoff appearances?
And why maybe they should more often.
Why bunting isn’t as bad as you think.
Does how hard you had to fight to make the playoffs matter once you’re there?
Why big ideas to make baseball teams better aren’t always easy to implement.
How good would Mike Trout have to be to overcome the Angels’ poor record in MVP voters’ eyes?
In which Russell plays by the same rules as the rest of the writers.
How researchers and number-crunchers can make the most of a rich and largely untapped data source.