Having the hard talk about where replacement level comes from.
Do teams that stick together win together more often than high-turnover teams?
Russell searches for a fact-based alternative to the Verducci Effect.
How one might go about quantifying the heretofore unquantifiable.
The final word on whether the popular theory holds water or is fatally flawed.
If it doesn’t make sense to call for pitchouts, why do major-league managers keep doing it?
Veteran players are often perceived to have a positive effect on their younger teammates, but can we see it in the stats?
What the voting results tell us about the 10-player limit, the electorate’s feelings about PED use, and the public/private-ballot split.
Even a “polished” teenage prospect has years of crucial neurological development ahead of him.
Russell proposes a simple solution that might resolve the DH debate to everyone’s satisfaction.
How to be unhappy about every move your favorite team makes.
Does the stress of pitching in high-leverage spots wear closers down over time?
A modest proposal to make the draft more fair, if a little less traditional.
Phillies catcher Carlos Ruiz was suspended for 25 games after testing positive for Adderall. What was he thinking?
The strangest double plays, groundouts for the cycle, and more from the weird side of the season.
Before we can attempt to figure out why a player improved or regressed, we have to figure out how much his performance actually changed.