A fatigued Met, a lucky Oriole, an iffy Bomber, and a defenseless Astro make up this week’s rotation.
A look at the closer situations in Los Angeles and Atlanta, as well as some news from Baltimore.
Which AL rookies can give your team a boost late on draft day?
Is Jimmy Rollins finished, or was 2010 just a very large bump in the road?
The Brewers’ second baseman finally had a season worthy of his potential, but will he able to do it again?
Rob looks at three outfielders with new teams, as well as a rebound candidate you don’t want to ignore.
Marc reveals which players he’ll be holding a torch for on draft day.
PECOTA has taken a liking to a few players that Jason Collette finds appealing for the right price on draft day.
What to expect from the White Sox second baseman and the Reds and Indians shortstops.
The debut of our fantasy discussion series, in which a pair of our fantasy authors tackles a burning question.
Rob McQuown gives more keeper tips and dives into draft preparation notes.
A pair of Twins and two hurlers recovering from serious injuries are the focus in this week’s edition.
A warning about five players Jason will not be touching on any of his draft days unless the price is right.
Kyle Blanks may harbor prodigious power in his frame, but it was nowhere to be found in 2010. Was his elbow to blame?
Some closer jobs are up in the air due to injuries and competition, and we’re here to help you sort them out.
Questions about a young Brave, a towering Friar, a slumping Athletic, and more answered in today’s by-request offering.