I may be the only person in America cheering for a long, protracted labor battle that brings baseball to its knees.
Overnight, the Royals have gone from a franchise that was one transaction away from official joke status to a team that is slowly, haltingly–but finally–headed in the right direction.
Have a question for Rotoman? Contact him directly at rotoman@baseballprospectus.com. EVALUATE Dear Rotoman, I am in a $130 AL/keeper league and my team has been hovering around fifth and sixth place since June. I want to stay in the race, since our league awards prizes down to sixth, but I also wouldn’t mind picking up…
COMPLAINING Dear Rotoman, Here’s my situation: I’m in a 12-team, AL-only league with a $260 salary cap. I bit the bullet and have dumped this season for next year, picking up Carlos Lee, Eric Chavez, and Carlos Febles, among others. I currently have two open pitching slots, and was considering picking up Gabe Molina, hoping…
TWO+ QUESTIONS, ONE+ ANSWER Dear Rotoman: What’s the deal with Andy Benes? Is he worth holding onto? Will he turn it around in the 2nd half? He’s been a ratio and ERA killer. Also what are the chances of Freddy Garcia on Pittsburgh playing more in the 2nd half? “Close to the Edge” Dear Rotoman:…
TRADE Dear Rotoman: I have been offered Albert Belle for Mike Mussina. I am lacking in the power categories and my staff is one of the best in my deep AL-only league. In addition to Mussina, I have David Cone, Charles Nagy, Scott Erickson, Wilson Alvarez, Tim Hudson, Omar Olivares and, sorry to say, Steve…
(Ed. Note: Peter Kreutzer joins Baseball Prospectus Online this week with his fantasy baseball column “Ask Rotoman”. Kreutzer, formerly of ESPN.com, will be taking reader questions and dispensing his unique brand of fantasy baseball insight throughout the summer.) It’s good to be back. After an off-season that saw Rotoman welcome Rotobaby to the family, and…
Alex is tasked with choosing between two of the best in the business.