Prospectus Hit List: Breaking in and Breaking Down
8/28Having delivered the tour of the sausage factory, the live-fire roundup of which teams are slithering down and moving up in the standings.
Prospectus Hit List: Patchwork
8/21The Dodgers keep on rolling, however much the cast of characters seems to be revolving and evolving.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Getting Their Money’s Worth… Or Not
8/14The Yankees boom, the Dodgers swoon, and the Rockies climb for the sky in this week's edition of the Hit List.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: The Post-Shuffle Shuffle
8/07California's teams pick up ground, producing a top five made up of the AL East's beasts plus both flavors of LA baseball.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Deadline Drama
7/31Where teams stand after their deadline-dealing activities.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Halladay to Holliday
7/24With a Yankees/Dodgers tandem up top, it's as if we're back in the age of Casey and the O'Malleys all over again, but will trades shake up the rankings?
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Back in the Saddle Again
7/10The Dodgers re-top the list, and the Cardinals and Rockies help break up AL East dominance at the highest level.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Beating the Holiday Traffic
7/03The Dodgers no longer rule the roost, but with four of the top five teams in the AL East, they're in tough company.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Closing In
6/26The Cardinals bust a move in the NL Central, but the Dodgers continue their reign atop the Hit List.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Rising and Falling
6/19The AL East gets even tighter, holding four of the top five slots, but the Rangers and Angels start their own tango in the standings.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Shuffling the Deck
6/12But only so much, because while the Dodgers rule the roost, the next six teams all hail from the Easts.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: The Rising
6/05Will the season's first trade push two teams in opposite directions on the Hit List?
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Going Places
5/29By filling five of the top nine perches, the beasts of the Easts are riding high on this week's list.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Can’t Anyone Here Play This Game?
5/22The top teams wear blue without feeling it, but there's an orange alert in Baltimore, a black mood on Chicago's South Side, and seeing red in DC.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: Mid-May Madness
5/15The early leaders start losing space on their initial sprints as the packs start congealing in both leagues.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightProspectus Hit List: The Banny Man and the Manny Ban
5/08Some reshuffling's to be expected, but the Jays ride high while the Dodgers have nowhere to go but down.
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