Short Relief: Restricted
6/18I was scrolling Twitter yesterday and I came across something that sent a chill down my spine and sent me into the doldrums for a quick second. This wasn’t an injury or a bad call. Instead, it was the sight of a man being stripped of his individual creativity. It was a screencap of Edwin...
Short Relief: Déjà Vu
6/17It doesn’t matter what ballpark I go to. It doesn’t matter where I sit. It doesn’t matter whether I am alone or with others. Every time I attend a ballgame, I end up sitting in front of “that guy.” You know the guy. Or maybe you don’t. And if you don’t, take my word for...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Subtext
6/14In 2001 he was arrested for misdemeanor criminal trespassing; the newspapers didn’t go into details, probably because they didn’t have any details. It’s the sort of crime where someone decides they don’t like where you are. The original complaint came, they said, when someone saw him trying to deposit an empty envelope into an ATM...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Tipping the Scales
6/13TO: All staff FROM: Doug RE: Office laptops Hey gang, just a reminder that your work computers are just that–for WORK. They are NOT for personal use. Please don’t remove them from the premises without checking with me. Thanks. TO: All staff FROM: Doug RE: Office laptops, again I can’t believe I have to do...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Future Shock
6/12German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is often credited for developing one of our society’s most important modern philosophical concepts, that of the dialectic. Hegel’s dialectic builds off and extends classical philosophy’s Greek concept of a dialectical exchange, in which two opposing sides of an argument–a thesis and its antithesis–stake out a kind of territory...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Out in Style
6/11On Friday it was announced that The Good Place will end after its upcoming fourth season. Mike Schur, its creator, attributed this end to the natural conclusion of the story, which the writers had planned from the beginning. It’s incredibly rare for American television shows to reach such an end. Either they end prematurely, like...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Eyes on the Prize
6/10The circumstances of the Black Sox scandal of 1919 have generated a plethora of richly imagined reiterations, from the iconic Eight Men Out to the fanciful and forgiving representations in Shoeless Joe and its Hollywood adaptation, Field of Dreams. W.P. Kinsella’s Joe Jackson carries no taint of treachery, and even the apparent architect of the...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Caught Off Guard
6/07I sometimes like to see the flag flapping at the top of a construction crane. The loneliness of the flap, the anthem’s punch line, consoles me like the moon or a good cloud. When a vulnerable person sings the anthem, the crowd sweeps me up in the swell. I can resist strong performances; a wavering...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Tall Order
6/06It was a nice hotel suite. My guest paid for it. He was sweaty the entire time, in any sense of the word I have seen it used. It was obvious he practiced his questions beforehand. I felt sorry for how hard he tried to make them sound off the cuff, to be honest. Each...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: To The End
6/05There are so many places where there is not baseball. There are the early morning bike paths, teeming with rabbits and tree roots, where dreams hide within the quadriceps tendons as each small hill rolls into view. There are the choir lessons in the church annex, where your daughter and seven other less adorable children...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Tape Delay
6/04The NCAA baseball tournament and the Women’s College World Series are in full swing and it’s an exciting time to watch the college game. It just so happens that this moment of fun-yet-intense baseball coincides with the annual MLB Draft, which started yesterday. Compared to other sports, the MLB Draft is almost quaint in its...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Missing Out
6/03In a box of computer-related detritus my parents didn’t want to get rid of without my input exists a still-in-package CD-ROM, complete with what can only be cereal dust caught in the tighter corners of the plastic. On further inspection, the disc is #6 of a six-disc collaborative promotional effort from Post, AOL, EA Sports,...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Altered Perspectives
5/31The teacher handed me an envelope, and my heart started racing. I never got envelopes. I never got called out. I was very much a background character of my second grade class, putting my books in my bag and thinking about Nintendo. I wondered what it could be. Had I won a prize? Had they...
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5/30Former Giants outfielder Angel Pagan is safe and sound after being rescued at sea in Puerto Rico (via @DaltonJ_Johnson) — SF Giants on NBCS (@NBCSGiants) May 29, 2019 He did not know, when they set out– Two men and a boy, on a fishing trip, The rhythm of his days now, Retired at...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Out of Right Field
5/29Last week, I was driving down a wide city street lined with box stores, chain restaurants, and strip malls. I could have pulled off into Discount Shoe Warehouse, or Best Buy, or Wendy’s. I could have grabbed a taco while getting my oil changed. I was provided the opportunity to pick up my dry cleaning,...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Forgiveness
5/28Life is more or less a series of mistakes, and atonement for these mistakes. Some are so miniscule that forgiveness is a foregone conclusion. Others are so damaging and irreversible that asking for forgiveness seems foolish no matter how many decades have passed. The closer we come to the end, the more heavily our mistakes...
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