Short Relief: Getting Perspective
1/07You have been wandering in aimless, companionable silence for a while when your friend has the presence of mind to check the time. It’s 11:58 — too late to change course, find a nice restaurant or a good vantage point from which to view the fireworks. You’re nowhere near the waterfront now, anyway. There’s nothing...
Short Relief: Dedication to the Cause
1/04My aunt may be advancing in years, but she remains a sharply engaged holiday shopper, securing her entire bounty by the end of November. That means any requests of jerseys for presents had to be locked in before the start of the offseason in earnest. For a young man in his early twenties who thought...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Where the Road Runs Out
1/03Some families have more tragedy woven into the fabric of their family tapestry than others. The Grimaldis are said to be cursed in love, the Guinnesses cursed by cars, the Hemingways cursed by dark thoughts coupled with substance abuse. The Kennedys are just plain cursed. The Furcal family might be baseball’s most cursed family. Silvino...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Happy New Year
1/02Boston Red Sox: Warmest and most sincere holiday greetings, John Henry Sports Team Fan. Whether you enjoy your excellence at the plate or on the pitch, domestically or abroad, we here at Liverston Redpool Inc. want to wish you another bountiful year of winning, winning, always and only winning* *Beneath the luxury tax, of course...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: El Dropo
12/21Joe DiMaggio’s hitting streak in games gets way more attention, because he dated a famous actress. Those games contained various at bats — a large number, when you think about it — where he recorded an out. And that’s fine. A hit on a given day is a sign that you contributed something, and to...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Lost in Translation
12/20Once in Greece, I asked for a “Wednesday” (τέταρτη) kilo of feta instead of a “quarter” (τέταρτο). The lady behind the cheese counter in a grocery store in suburban Athens looked at me for a minute, told me my Greek wasn’t very good, and then asked me to repeat what I wanted. I’ve told that...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Rebirth
12/19It is cold outside, and the plants are dead. We have a long pot on our front porch, and whenever I look at it in the winter I wonder how it’s possible those thin brown strings covered in dead leaves can summon the strength to become vertical again each March, and yet somehow they do....
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Not as Good as the Memory
12/18Every year at Christmas I made my dad lebkuchen, a spicy, chewy German cookie. That description makes them sound good, so let me assure you they are not: They are, in fact, the world’s worst cookie. The dough is sticky and unmanageable, and very finicky: I ruined a whole sheet this year by daring to...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Parachutes and Parties
12/17The thing about parachute day was that you never knew it was coming. An elementary school gym class would simply arrive to the boxy combination gymnasium/auditorium and there it would be: a massive circle of silk as bright as a circus tent, making even the glare from the industrial fluorescent lights in their basketball-proof wire...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Now Is the Winter of Our Discontent
12/14Last year the signature event of the baseball industry was held in an upscale Disney resort hosted in a tiny tax shelter of a town carved out of Orlando that had a reported population of 47 in the last census. With a single lobby and accompanying bar, the initial thrill of hanging out with all...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Hirsute Riot
12/13It happens all the time now. I’m sitting on my park bench feeding the ducks most definitely named Dewey and Louie, and a text message like this comes in: Phillies signed McCutchen. Three years. “Three years?” Time stops momentarily, ironically enough. “Three years?” I said out loud before putting my right hand up against my...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The Baines of My Existence
12/12If you’ve never seen a Hallmark Channel Original Movie, they more or less go like this: Young, single woman from a small town moves to the big city for her fast-paced creative job (ad executive seems to be a particular favorite), goes home for the holidays and in the process, meets and woos/is wooed by...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Measuring Up
12/11On June 22nd, 1914, just nine games into his career with the St. Louis Terriers, Armando Marsáns woke up to the news that he was no longer able to play professional baseball. He suffered from no illness or injury but rather something more sinister. Several days prior, August Herrmann, owner of the Cincinnati Reds and...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Grading on a Curve
12/10On April 3rd of last year, Stephen Piscotty probably felt about as good as he’d ever felt in his life. He had just signed six-year, $33.75 million contract extension with the Cardinals. Thanks to his hard work and success, his family’s financial future was now secure. He didn’t have to worry about arbitration or free...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Confession
12/07I remember an evening in a warm cafe in Toronto, sitting with Ben, a United Church pastor. We had become friends after I persuaded his church to give sanctuary to a refugee named Ibrahim. We didn’t know that a Holocaust survivor lived nearby, and that Ibrahim’s presence near her home triggered old and dreadful fears....
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Crimes Both Real and Imaginary
12/06Psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky were so influential that “Moneyball” Michael Lewis wrote an entire book about them. Maybe the 23rd most interesting tidbit from the book about how our limited brains are out to destroy us is this: we greatly inflate the number of times in our lives we truly predicted a surprising...
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