Short Relief: Are You Ready for a Mustache?
6/26In case you haven’t heard, Ichiro Suzuki snuck into the Mariners’ dugout last Thursday via a fake mustache. Like Bobby Valentine before him, he was easily discovered, and whether under his own volition or that of Major League Baseball, he was gone from the dugout by the start of the second inning. While he gave...
Short Relief: Karma and That Which Can Be Undone
6/25On Friday evening, during a tight game between the Cardinals and the Brewers, a fan crocheted in the stands. The act was, in multiple quarters, erroneously reported as knitting, but knitting uses two needles and crochet a single blunted hook. Much of Friday’s commentary had to do with the idea that if she was crocheting...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Barbarity and Baseball
6/22As a writer of war literature, I’ve had my share of existential crises. Hell, I imagine most writers — even those who aren’t consistently elbow-deep in trauma — do. In moments like these, when (one of) our nation’s humanitarian emergencies feels so raw, so urgent, I find it difficult to think about anything else. I...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Hot Sea Shanties of the Promised Land
6/21I am the most heat-averse person I know. I have lived in the Pacific Northwest, the ideal climate for someone who hates extremes of temperature, for my entire life, and yet every summer I find myself bewailing how hot it is, hiding indoors during the daylight hours, and wearing a lot of silk robes. The...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Drake and Making Wild Concessions
6/20Cleveland Indians acquire RHP Oliver Drake off waivers from the Milwaukee Brewers. [5/5] Los Angeles Angels acquire RHP Oliver Drake off waivers from the Cleveland Indians. [5/31] RHP Oliver Drake clears waivers and has been outrighted to Salt Lake (AAA). [6/19] Look, I don’t know. Long before I became a writer, I remember reading the...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The Second Direction
6/19My father is fond of the phrase “threw up on his shoes” to indicate a person spectacularly failing at a clutch moment, usually used in conjunction with the phrase “not exactly covering himself in glory, eh?” It’s a phrase pairing that gets used a lot, because he’s a lifelong Mariners fan. Yet on Sunday, the...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Only Wanna Be With You (When You’re Winning)
6/18Deadspin published a nice piece by Joe DeLessio on Friday about digging through his late father’s massive, overwhelming collection of memorabilia, most of which was baseball stuff, most of which of that was Orioles stuff. The word “stuff” is often a filler term where a better, more precise descriptor isn’t coming to mind, but in...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Chaotic Neutral Alignment
6/15Hey you! Yes, you! Do you have a heritage night or pride-based festival that’s coming up? Do you want to have the spotlight and reach that only a major league baseball team can bring? Are you committed to having the Philadelphia Phanatic make a mockery of your beloved culture? If you answered yes to these...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The Light at the End of the Pitch Tunnel
6/14Steppenwolf is one of the most famous and most misunderstood of the novels of Nobel Prize winning-author Herman Hesse. I’m having trouble understanding it myself, fifty pages in; I’d nearly given up, only to see Hardball Times editor Jason Linden give it his highest praise. Written from the perspective of Germany between the wars, the...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Destiny and How to Avoid It
6/13There’s a video circulating of a young man striking out his best friend to win a high school championship game, then skipping his team’s celebration to hug and console his buddy. This footage has inspired the nation to rise up as one and say, “Love is a part of baseball.” What I’m here to tell...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Who Was Sarah Roberts?
6/12The length of its existence and sheer volume of games make it essentially impossible for one to know everything about the game. Even the things we think we know can be thrown into doubt, leaving a gaping hole where once there was certainty, creating ample opportunity for speculation among the hazy visage of fact. For...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The Sweet Slumber of Summer
6/11Perhaps the primary crusade in baseball analysis over the past decade is the drive toward the distillation of the baseball player’s true talent. On a throughline from wins above replacement to independent pitching metrics to BABIP noise to video-capture data, every aim has been to sluff off some of the noise, the complicating factors, that...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The L-Block of Baseball
6/08Recently my wife asked me how Stephen Strasburg was doing, as if we text regularly. Her memory of baseball is frozen in the late aughts-early tweens of baseball, before we were married, and while I was tweeting something after every dang plate appearance. She remembers when Strasburg starts were big deals, and it turns out...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: One Saturday in June
6/07One Saturday in June, a little girl opened the door to the hall closet and a stack of newspapers slid out. She squatted on the floor to look at them. The paper on the top had a photo of a man lying on the floor in a halo of light, surrounded by worried people. The...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The Most Dangerous Game
6/06When the phone rang he was in the kitchen. It wasn’t that he didn’t expect a call–there were talks between scouts promising this and that since September. No, instead it was only eight PM, and he thought there would be time to refill his glass of Tab and wait for the returns to roll in....
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: When the Drafts Were Worth Mocking
6/05Drafting players is a difficult process, with very few guaranteed successes sprinkled amongst dozens of players who never sniff the majors for a plethora of circumstances largely beyond their control. And yet drafting is also somewhat easy as it requires one to operate within defined parameters that are over a century in the making. In...
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