Short Relief: Retiring to the Side
5/11My father is nearly done having to work. He belongs to perhaps one of the last generations of peoples to feel he can approach or achieve “retirement age”, and has worked for nearly fifty years, veering through largesse, near-bankruptcy, and everything in between. If you subscribe, as I do, to John Muir’s notion that everything...
Long Relief: Getting Out of Book
5/10What baseball would look like if it were modeled after different chess variants.
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The Point At Which One Realizes
5/09The summer that I was 20, I worked in the D.C. bureau of a newspaper chain. It was a pretty good gig, so far as these internships go: I got to do some real reporting and make a stupid face in the background of a White House press briefing on C-SPAN2, and it paid above...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Murder, She Scored
5/08Lately I’ve been re-watching Murder, She Wrote. I say re-watching, because I remember watching it as a child with my grandparents, but really my memories of the show are hazy, as soft-focus as the early-80s images themselves. I remember as a kid wanting to be just like Jessica Fletcher, a famous author who also got...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The Swamp of Sadness
5/07A Bog to Sell You By: Holly M. Wendt Baseball is a game of careful measurements and fixed dimensions: 60 feet, 6 inches from the mound to home, 90 feet between the bases. Outfields vary a bit; MLB’s official ruling indicates that “parks constructed by professional teams after June 1, 1958 must have a minimum...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The Clues Before Us
5/04The last notable pitcher we could find who dealt with this specific injury was J.J. Putz, who missed about five weeks with it as a Mariner in 2008. Putz, however, struggled with elbow issues the next season while with the Mets, eventually needing surgery to remove bone spurs. Putz, now a special assistant with the...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Now in Technicolor
5/03Warning! Extremely minor spoilers for AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR ahead! If you’re into that sort of thing! The surprise cameo appearance of Tobias Fünke of Arrested Development in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War spurred one hairbrained internet theorist to test the limits of “the most ambitious crossover event in history,” ultimately connecting Adam West’s Batman to the...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Broken News
5/02Whenceforth I received the news that the great Bone Head from Mud City was applying saliva to the ball before releasing it to the batter, I was right steamed. Myself, returning straight from a season that saw me ace thirty-one victories for my club, well yes-sir, I feign ignorance as to why a gentleman pitching...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: I Miss the Rains
5/01So in the evening, again, we started ahead of the porters and went down and across the highways and through a deep thicket of strip malls and across a train depot to the stadium, where the ground was broken and the walking difficult, and afternoon sun was very hot. We walked until we reached the...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: A Little Light Syncopation
4/30Live sports are nonsense. Doing anything on anybody else’s schedule is nonsense, really. We spend our lives following schedules set down by other people, for school, for work, for family. What we do with our precious free time should not be at the whim of what some billionaire baseball owner thinks is the appropriate time...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Keep Circulating the Tapes
4/27TURN DOWN YOUR LIGHTS (Where applicable) In a not too distant future Way down in Anaheim There was a guy named Albert Not exactly in his prime He worked for the Angels baseball team Just a few hits from a milestone dream He did a good job batting every day But Mike Scioscia had Ohtani...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: All Alone Together
4/26The recent controversy surrounding Ken Rosenthal’s interview with Kevin Pillar about his “recovery” from getting caught yelling a homophobic slur last year got me thinking about my own position in the world of this sport. There’s always some element of code-switching that goes on when I sit down to write about baseball. It’s not that...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Arguing on Behalf of the Darkest Timeline
4/25Yesterday, the Dallas Morning News put out this update on the condition of Tim Lincecum, who was shelved with a blister before the season started and was moved to the 60-day disabled list last week. Here are the saddest portions: 5. The phrase “attacked by a raging blister” It’s not just any blister, but an...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: 21 Pitches For All You Fans On The Go
4/24PITCH ONE, 92 MPH fastball in the zone: Barria: I want to win this count. Belt: This is a hittable pitch. I will swing. FOUL, 0-1 PITCH TWO, 92 MPH fastball, above the zone: Barria: Let’s see if he will chase this. Belt: This is not a hittable pitch. I will not swing. BALL, 1-1...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Thinking Ahead
4/23Imagine a box. A rectangular space. It has windows, big triple-pane ones, with a nice view. You are not trapped here, or even locked in this box, but you are definitely expected to be there. Everyday. Once inside, a phrase is heard aloud in a declarative, confident tone. “This pitcher thinks too much.” At face...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The Evils of Others
4/20Next year will be the 100th anniversary of two events: the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I; and Babe Ruth being sold to the Yankees, which set in motion years of minor scuffles all across the Northeast corridor. Much of these skirmishes had to do with baseball players wearing different colored hats having...
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