Short Relief: We Are Doomed To Remain Tuffy Gosewisch
4/19One day, the young god Obatala looked down from the sky and said, “The situation in the ballparks needs improvement! I must talk with Olorun and see what can be done.” He said to Olorun, “Poor Happy rules nothing but Joes and Bobs! What he needs are Bucks and Robertos, Roys and Dons. Everyone could...
Short Relief: Aphorisms and Fables
4/18As a kid, I had no routine that I loved quite so much as that of my nightly bedtime story, and for quite a while, there was no source of that story that I loved quite so much as Indians Baseball: 100 Years of Memories. The book wasn’t meant to be used as a collection...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: A Big Surprise
4/17(after Updike, and Camus) “Word is the actual attendance at Monday’s #Rays-#White Sox game—people who used tickets to come in—was 974.” –Marc Topkin, Twitter, April 10. We’d had snow, and when the night game was rescheduled for 1:10 due to cold, that cinched it. My parents made me get this job—value of hard work and...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Fading to Gray
4/16The terrible thing about growing old in 2018 is that everyone else talks more like Lenin and I just look more like him. It’s a Saturday in mid-April, and stinging rain pelts the retractable roof of Safeco Field, and the summer is almost over. I am sick, and amongst the youthful chatter, I feel terribly...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Pushing the Limits of Science
4/13He had never really been able to discern whether his love of Fight Club informed his foray into cloning or if his interest in the highly controversial process predated his affinity for the novel. In any case, he found comfort in the likeness of the two, although cloning required a mere three rules: under no...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The View from the Field
4/12You are a Little League player. It’s the first game of the season. You are standing at the plate, ready to lead off the third inning. You take deep breaths, watching as the pitcher scuffs his cleats on the rubber. He is long finished with his warm-up throws, and seems to be drawing a shape...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Current Events
4/11The British Virgin Islands Marlins celebrate home runs by setting off the miniature volcano in left field. “This is just how the islands themselves were created!” the team’s publicity office crows when the great gurgling mass is unveiled. When a television reporter discovers a few weeks later that the “highly technical live-action sculpture” actually runs...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: The Disastrous Consequences of Food
4/10It’s the 9th inning; your team is clinging to a one-run lead on the road with two outs. As first baseman, it’s your job to pretty much just play catch with your teammates and not screw anything up, but there’s a problem. The left fielder and former teammate you despise has stepped into the batter’s...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: High Fructose Baseball
4/09On Saturday night, in defiance of yet another gray, decidedly unspringly day, I decided to make milkshakes. We had ice cream leftover from a birthday event, and the Phillies were starting at home early in the evening after a day off. After spending the day buried under blankets and grading, too, it seemed like a...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: If You Don’t Love Me At My Decline Phase
4/06(In honor acknowledgement of.) Having a baseball player during his cost-controlled early years seems like the best time. You imagined him improving year after year, possible Hall of Fame discussion, and finally taking a hometown discount to stay with you. That happens sometimes, but as you have learned, it doesn’t occur all that much. You...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: A Phillie For Life
4/05Yesterday, the Colorado Rockies announced a six-year extension for star outfielder Charlie Blackmon. The presentation was superb, but one was forced to compare it to the somewhat lackluster way that the Phillies announced their own six-year agreement with top prospect Scott Kingery a week ago. It feels a little unfair. Perhaps it’s too late, but...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Foreign Substances
4/04Story co-credit: W.C. Heinz // Photo credit: © Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports They were staring at their phones, the weather app reading 37, when it began, there, under the clouds, in the heart of the big apple. Three-thirty, but on it went. Windbreakers screeching during opening workouts from them, there, running and walking and in...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: A Little Light Badinage
4/03Taylor, a marketing manager, and Lindsey, who designs high-end clothing for dogs, are on the hunt for their first MLB player. Taylor likes the classics: clean lines, stirrup socks, and OBP for days. Lindsey, who has a taste for luxury, wants something modern, with a high launch angle the couple can have their friends over...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Grabbing a Cold One
4/02Somehow, I’d never been to Camden Yards prior to Saturday night, and if it wasn’t for the fact that the Phillies, Pirates, and Nationals were all opening the season out of town, that trend would likely have continued. But the schedule is as the schedule does, and we trundled our way to Baltimore to watch...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightLong Relief: Overly Specific Staff Predictions
3/30Yesterday the BP staff made their traditional predictions: standings, awards, victors. It’s a pleasant exercise, certainly, but you don’t come to Baseball Prospectus to learn generic information like “who will win.” You want the hard truth, and we here at Short Relief are there to provide. Said prognostications come in two flavors: answers for general...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Some Personal Matters
3/29This is my first Opening Day without my dad. Not that Opening Day had been a ritual for us, or that it holds any particularly special meaning beyond our shared love of baseball. But my dad and I did share many of these ceremonial beginnings, mostly of the amateur kind as he coached my Little...
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