Short Relief: Catch Me If You Can
8/02What’s happening in Miami in the bottom of the twelfth might remind you the teapot was left to boil this morning or you missed a birthday. A cold sweat or bad dream can do the job, but instead let the more pleasant score details be the cartoon slap. The jerseys you’ll observe on vacation out...
Short Relief: We Regret to Inform You It Is Now August
8/01My family put a pool in our backyard when I was in the fourth grade. I was in it almost daily for the next few summers, swimming and hanging out with friends. All the kids in the neighborhood would come by and shoot water guns at each other, play Marco Polo, and dive. The sun...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Look Back in Anger
7/31With thanks to my husband Steve Stofka for sharing his story. It was 1967, and I was a senior in high school earning extra money by umping 5th-grade little league games. They only paid for one umpire per game at that level, so I covered the entire field from a spot behind the pitcher. There...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Crimes of Bird Law, Fashion, and Metaphors
7/30It was the end of the seventies in Canada, and the seagulls just weren’t right. Lake Ontario, said to be the most polluted freshwater in the world in 1979, was warping its herring gull population. Pesticides and industrial waste in the region were dulling their parental instincts: They were abandoning their nests, laying fewer eggs,...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Searching for Tickety-Boo
7/29While I am well known as that person among my friends who has definitely not seen whatever show everyone else has been talking about for months, I have seen Good Omens, the Amazon Prime adaptation of the 1990 Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett novel of the same name. Both of these texts are quintessentially British...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Diane, Susie, Judy, Nancy, Debbie, Lynn, Mary, Karen, Jane, Kim, and Zelda
7/26Dusty Diamond’s All-Star Softball was one of the more overlooked baseball titles of the 8-bit era. This is an often tossed about adjective for anything that isn’t Mario or Zelda, but I can vouch for its overlookability, since I discovered it about five years ago and now it’s probably one of my three favorite baseball...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Testing
7/25LANCASTER, Pa. — After successfully implementing the automated strike zone, the ability to “steal” first base, and several other rule changes into the Atlantic League, on Wednesday the MLB announced something more ambitious. “We sat down in one of our brainstorming sessions,” said Jason Domo from the MLB Commissioner’s Office, who spoke with us through...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Sweet Metal Machine Music
7/24There was so much to say. I’d been unfair. We were at a crossroads. The boundaries had to be redrawn for the relationship to continue. I was the one accountable for the dysfunction and I was the one that had to change. I had to make a commitment to change. A lot of them, actually....
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: This Time Tomorrow
7/23It is a rare occasion when a woman gets to be in charge of her own narrative. More frequently, women’s stories when they’re told are done so through the eyes and voices of men who have a vested interest in telling only those parts which do not threaten their power. Our collection of stories as...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Parental Guidance Suggested
7/22It is the top of the first inning, and Mike Leake is pitching for the Mariners. That’s a boring sentence. Mike Leake is a boring pitcher. Still, not long ago I would have been watching anyway. Instead, as Leake begins throwing his average stuff with average command against an average Angels team on a statistically...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Blue Moon Shots
7/19So-called artistic production hits the skillet to sizzle but is in fact routine and unmusical When new students were mentioned at the stickball game I asked for their area code and predicted they’d be awful I was writing poetry about the moon and men were calling those poems patriotic Go home and clean your drain...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Thinking, Fast and Slow
7/18Of the wide band of human emotions, grief is the most elusive, the most chimerical, as distinctive to each person as a fingerprint, as impossible to pin down as rain. In college I had a friend who died suddenly and for months afterward her mother, whom I did not know before the tragedy, emailed me...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Mac Dragon Filth
7/17A big Happy Birthday to @mwilliamson7! 🎉🎂🥳 — Seattle Mariners (@Mariners) July 15, 2019 Mariners Designate Mac Williamson For Assignment — MLB Trade Rumors (@mlbtraderumors) July 16, 2019 Marx once said, famously, quoting Hegel, that all historical events and persons appear twice – the first time as tragedy, the second as farce....
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Come Watch TV
7/16One of the most appealing things to me about baseball is the fact that the game isn’t governed by a clock. There’s no chewing the clock or running the clock out. You play the game until the nine innings are over. I try not to be “that guy” but I will immediately correct anybody who...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: One on One
7/15As Patrick Dubuque taught us last week, every man has a breaking point. I’ve seen it many times. Most recently, I saw it this past weekend. What you are witnessing in the above image from Saturday night’s loss to the Twins is Trevor Bauer’s. Slack-jawed, dumbfounded, and perplexed, he is wondering just how in the...
continue reading chevron_rightchevron_rightShort Relief: Keeping Tabs
7/12It was the top of the second when Chick Hafey blooped a middle-in pitch into shallow center, but it was the AL that actually sent one across the plate a few minutes later. Wally Berger and Dick Bartell rounded out the middle of the lineup but it just wasn’t enough: for despite exciting the thousands...
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