ANAHEIM ANGELS DH/C Todd Greene‘s emergence has been delayed due to shoulder surgery following the ’97 season. Early word out of the Angels camp is that he is throwing pain-free. If this is more than just rhetoric from the feel-good Disney Corporation, the Halos’ backstop position suddenly becomes a strength instead of a liability, as…
CHICAGO CUBS With so many players coming off of better-than-expected seasons, it isn’t hard to come up with a few potential floppers. A good bet is righthander Kevin Tapani, coming off of a 19-win season despite pitching about as well as unlamentedly departed Mark Clark. If lefty Terry Mulholland returns to the rotation, his ERA…
ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS The Diamondbacks went on a well-publicized spending spree in the offseason, and bought themselves some decent pitching in the process. They’ll need it, because the offense is saddled with ancient players at key positions. New left fielder Luis Gonzalez will have trouble duplicating his decent 1998, and one of the few youngsters in…
BALTIMORE ORIOLES While OF Albert Belle gets most of the attention as the Orioles open camp, and can be expected to put up a typical .300/.380/.570 season, pay attention to catcher Charles Johnson, acquired from the Dodgers via the Mets for Armando Benitez. Johnson had a terrible 1998, falling off both at the plate and…
ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS Acquired 2B Tony Womack from the Pirates for a PTBNL and OF Paul Weichard. [2/26] The D-backs are claiming they’re going to move Womack to the outfield, where his value isn’t merely negligible, it’s Omar Moreno territory. What’s especially goofy is that acquiring Womack cuts into the playing time of a player who’s…