Continuing our discussion from last week on how to build a team at Coors Field, this time, from the run-prevention side.
Last Tuesday night around 9 p.m., my mother asked me how I was planning to write about the All-Star Game if I wasn’t watching it. I told her that I wasn’t writing my column while away, and that I wouldn’t write about the All-Star Game when I returned because no one cared about the All-Star Game past about 10:30 a.m. the next day.
You can’t make this stuff up, folks.
True story #1: A few weeks ago, I was talking with Chris Kahrl about the week I was planning to be on vacation. I made the comment that the All-Star week was a good one to be out of touch, because there were just four days of games and usually the days around the Midsummer…
Continuing our discussion from last week on how to build a team at Coors Field, this time, from the run-prevention side. In Baseball Prospectus 2002, Joe Sheehan wrote: "If putting balls in play is the best approach for hitters in Denver, then it makes sense for the Rockies to favor pitchers who strike out a…