Last year, I was given the privilege of writing a story that hadn’t been written. It’s a story about a hidden treasure and one that opened my eyes to yet another hidden game in baseball. While “original” UTK subscribers will remember this story, I think it’s important enough to bring to a BP audience. I’m also going to be speaking with American Specialty in the near future, bringing you more insight from the true masters of injury analysis. I hope you enjoy. –Will
Tony Pena weighs in on the end of Royals’ winning streak, Mariners chairman and CEO Howard Lincoln opposes Forbes’ recent findings, and Mike Cameron accuses Kevin Appier of throwing a spitball–which results in an exchange for the ages.
One of the completely ridiculous statements leveled at perfromance analysts–or “statheads,” if you prefer–is the idea that they need to get their heads out of a stat book and watch a game once in a while. It’s silly, because the analysts I know not only watch a ton of baseball, they have a love for the game that’s not found in many places. Personally, I watch as much MLB as I can, and most of my column ideas come from watching games, both in person and on television.