The tater trots for June 20: Tim Hudson gives us one fantastic trot!
Acquired not even a year ago, the Jays have locked their man down for the next few seasons.
A quick run through the day in the minors.
Pujols on the shelf, turmoil in LA, and the Brewers get rocked.
As bad as any team in more than half a century, that’s how bad, and even Albus McKeon Dumbledore won’t fix ’em.
The Marlins lose Chris Coghlan and promote Jose Ceda, the Red Sox shake things up in the infield, and the release of Max Ramirez summons memories of Rangers prospects past.
The Mariners bust scouting gurus’ mocks with their first selection, but did they pick the right big talent?
You have to mash a ton to break into the first-base ranks, but right now, there’s only a mish-mash of prospects.
A trip through the annual unlocks Ken’s inner muse.
A new-found “Doctor Who” fan looks for baseball in the 50-year-old British television show.
Michael looks at a pair of Seattle middle infielders and a speedy Dodgers shortstop.