The wayward profile of Jimmy Nelson, rookies pay off and the Tigers lick their chops
Ladies and gentlemen, this Hit List is floating in space.
Blowouts! Bat flips! Yellin’! And tonight, aces!
These four hurlers have eroded badly under the summer sun.
Notes on prospects who stood out yesterday, including Cubs outfielder Eloy Jimenez and Angels lefty Sean Newcomb.
You can now view the individual factors that go into each pitcher’s Deserved Run Average.
Notes on Austin Meadows, Harold Ramirez, Willie Calhoun and more.
We’re at the “playoff teams acquire their designated pinch-runner” stage of the season.
Three long-time scouts chime in on what, if anything, has changed because of advanced stats.
Examining players who might pique your interest in deep leagues
Why the Reds righty could be your fantasy playoff hero.