Many players pitch and hit as amateurs. What makes the transition to professional baseball so arduous?
We can’t simply ask pitchers to throw at 85 percent. It has to be incentivized, by carrot and stick.
MLB has problems that need fixing, many of them of their own making, which makes it impossible to trust that they can actually fix those issues.
We still have much to learn about how defense at first base works, but there are ways to figure it out.
Este artículo fue publicado originalmente el 17 de febrero. Traducido por Pepe Latorre En la primavera de 1947 Jackie Robinson fue elegido para volver a romper la barrera de color de las Grandes Ligas. Wendell Smith, del Pittsburgh Courier, se encontraba en La Habana, Cuba. Atendía a unos entrenamientos primaverales en los que estaban participando…
The only unwritten rule that drives the bus, the one that makes baseball succeed or fail, is that you must always try your best. That’s not happening.