The best way to win a debate is to make the argument for the other side better than your opponent does. To support Mike Trout’s MVP case, Russell tries taking the opposite stance.
Sabermetrics has reached its next sport: pro wrestling.
We now know for sure where Joe Maddon stands on sabermetrics.
Against his will, a numbers-averse author begins to see the sabermetric light.
BIS addressed one problem with their defensive metric that was making Brett Lawrie look better than he is.
A former BP author returns from his adventures in baseball consulting with a slightly different perspective on sabermetrics.
A conscientious sabermetrician questions everything, even the work of Bill James.
Decades before Billy Beane and Ricardo Rincon, there was Steve Boros and “computer baseball.”
With a week’s worth of shows in the can, has MLB Network’s “Clubhouse Confidential” been the coming-out party sabermetricians have been hoping for?