Ben and Sam answer listener emails about how much steroids help, the best farm systems in baseball, and how they’d try to negotiate a hypothetical trade.
Character assassination, speculation, a commitment to process… ah, it has to be Hall of Fame season.
What the voting results tell us about the 10-player limit, the electorate’s feelings about PED use, and the public/private-ballot split.
Keeping the best players in recent history out of the Hall won’t help baseball transcend the so-called Steroid Era.
Does it really matter who wins the batting title?
Figuring out who uses or used, when and why, and what we can take from the exercise.
Can statistics help us see the effects of steroid use?
Comics come to BP, as Indy tries to track down a lost sample containing testosterone levels high enough to upset the balance of power in baseball.
Two weeks ago, newly-retired Jose Canseco claimed that 85% of major-league baseball players were steroid users.