Mike has f.e.e.l.i.n.g.s. about Keston Hiura.
I was seven years old sitting rapt and cross-legged in front of a TV so old you needed to stand up and turn the dial every time you wanted to change the channel. There was zero chance anyone in my family was going to change the station that day, though. We were watching my cousin…
Cincinnati views the rookie left-hander as a long-term building block, but maybe he’s in the wrong role.
One time you were a glowing young ruffian. Oh my god, it was a million years ago.
Robert Stephenson is the best Reds prospect since Paul Robeson; click to find out who the other nine are.
Notes on 10 prospects, including Mets outfielder Brandon Nimmo and his Low-A Savannah teammate Luis Cessa.