One thing that being a middle-aged dad and being an MLB closer have in common.
Is it time to no longer ignore Rockies starting pitchers in fantasy?
This was a night in which Joe West seemed, once again, determined to be noticed.
“Is this it?” Your friend walks up and stands beside you. “Yup.” You look, aghast, at the immense pit of mud and fencing in front of you. Though the fencing separates you and the pit, as you continue to stare at it, you feel like it’s expanding, like it might swallow you up at any…
One of my favorite parts of being a baseball fan is the sheer breadth of the history that can be learned, the staggering number of huge immortal moments and small, glittering fun facts that come with being a fan of any team.
Fools have a habit of believing that everything written by a famous author is admirable. For my part I read only to please myself and like only what suits my taste.
When teams shift, walks pile up. But where are they coming from and why?
No longer reserved for speedy contact hitters, the no. 2 spot in the lineup is suddenly home to superstars.
1. The crows complaining from the maple tree outside the window sound enough like that one row of fans in Philadelphia in 2006, Mike Lieberthal at the plate in the second game of the September 3 double-header against Atlanta, the one that isn’t the one where Ryan Howard hit three home runs. Lieberthal stands in…
Un puesto que ya no se reserva para bateadores de contacto rápidos, el segundo puesto en la alineación repentinamente es el hogar de las superestrellas.
As 2017 has drawn to a close, we’ve used the holiday week to highlight some of the quality work of our writers and staff at Baseball Prospectus. In that same vein, the new year is a perfect to recognize the great work done at our local affiliate sites as well. As you celebrate the final…
Last week, the Braves lost a dozen July 2 signings from 2016 and 2017, all notable six- or seven-figure bonus players, including the system’s ninth-best prospect Kevin Maitan. They also had their contract with Korean prospect Ji-Hwan Bae voided, were banned from signing top 2019 prospect Robert Puason, had significant restrictions applied to their international…
Deuteronomy has all sorts of things to say about debt and usury, but somehow leaves out Wild Card games. When you’re managing the Wild Card game, all you care about is advancing. Elimination games carry crazy leverage, the highest leverage, and you can’t fret over pulling a guy who isn’t pitching well. The Division Series,…
Like so many Japanese men of his generation, Shingo Furuya was a company man. Fresh out of college with an economics degree, he joined the Hanshin Electric Railway Company and devoted his life to it: worked ridiculous hours, floated through reorganizations and sideways promotions. It’s how he became the manager of one of Hanshin’s corporate…
There are dozens of medium-impact moves that litter the months between the playoffs and spring training, and most of them don’t give us the opportunity to see something new. For example, without much fanfare the Padres signed right-hander Trevor Cahill away from the defending champion Cubs for a relative pittance: only one year and less…
A Box Full of Things to Fill Holes By: David G. Temple He entered the house for the last time of the night — and only to pick up his bag and his phone. “Hey,” she said. “There’s still that big box of baseball cards in the guest room. I need you to take care…