What kind of production do teams receive from players tabbed to replace superstars?
How will a change in mechanics affect Tommy Hanson, and a new playing venue affect Ryan Ludwick?
Without getting off into a tangent on why the Reds backed off their plan to move to a four-man rotation, any Reds fan should be a bit concerned that so much is expected of Graves.
Watching the Mariners crawl their way toward respectability like the first fishes onto the world’s beaches, I never would have believed that Ken Griffey Jr. might ever not be the best player in baseball, much less that he would end up being considered junior to his dad. It’s happening, though.
I can think of only one good thing about Ken Griffey Jr.’s injury: it’s a legend in the making, right up there with the Curse of the Bambino, and it reinforces why baseball is the greatest game on earth.