Hats off to Joc, masked value in Houston, and pitchers on different ends of the regression spectrum
Taking a look at both ends of the age spectrum, with a pair of rooks and a vet whose foot might already be out the door
Breaking Good with Justin Upton, haunted by Ryan Howard, and Tulo disappears at the dish
How scouting can form a bridge between the fantasy islands of Roto and DFS
Walking the plank with a pair of Pirates on a day heavy with afternoon baseball
A new dad takes life lessons from an aging outfielder while avoiding some of the pitching pitfalls on today’s full slate of games
Finding value on a loaded day of high-level arms and price-conscious bats
Reflecting on the strategy of creating multiple lineups for a single slate of ballgames
Breaking good with Harper and navigating through a murky sea of suspect arms
Dumpster-diving for arms and the Holliday gifts that keep on giving
We navigate through a thin deck that is loaded with aces
Gauranteed profits, breakout players, and utter collapses in today’s breakdown of the DFS slate
Weighing the impact of bats and arms on a DFS roster
Navigating through a day that is thin on the hill with some cheap arms and big bats
A new contest at Draft Kings pits the BP Fantasy crew against the world