It takes hubris for a marlin to leave the ocean.
When the phone rang he was in the kitchen. It wasn’t that he didn’t expect a call–there were talks between scouts promising this and that since September. No, instead it was only eight PM, and he thought there would be time to refill his glass of Tab and wait for the returns to roll in….
Next year will be the 100th anniversary of two events: the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I; and Babe Ruth being sold to the Yankees, which set in motion years of minor scuffles all across the Northeast corridor. Much of these skirmishes had to do with baseball players wearing different colored hats having…
For the Cubs, a door closes and a conspiracy theory opens; poetry in wartime between pitchers and mascots; and a small career lost in service.
Patrick reports on another mascot issue, while Zack finds a small rooting interest between author and subject.