Hi, everyone. I hope you all had a good Labor Day weekend.
Of course, I’m an A’s fan, so every weekend’s been good to me lately. And yet, even with the continuation of The Streak, I’m beginning to get the same feeling in the pit of my stomach that I did when Jeter made the flip to nail Giambi last year. Yeah, 19 in a row is tremendous, but if Oakland can do it, so can Anaheim or Seattle–and there’s still plenty of time. Sure, it’s better to be in first, but I’d feel considerably better if they could shred out another four or five wins immediately after this run ends.
The ESPN.com version of the wire story has the headline “White Sox send Durham to Athletics for prospect, cash.” Um, no. Jon Adkins is 24, and had a career minor-league ERA of 4.13 coming into this season, during which he’s been lit up in Sacramento, with an ERA that would fit neatly above the median for the Texas Rangers and peripheral numbers that do not hold much promise. Maybe Adkins will be the one guy in a thousand who breaks the mold and turns into a legitimate quality major leaguer. It’s not likely, but you have to root for the guy.