When Opening Day is an ending, not a beginning.
The Tampa Bay Rays enter the 2012 season in a very unfamiliar role – a one where they are a favorite in the eyes of many instead of the perennial underdog.
On Opening Day, the action is new, but the jokes are old.
Johan Santana returned to the mound last night, and a preview of today’s events.
Join the BP staff for an Opening Day roundtable beginning at 1:00 PM ET on Thursday afternoon.
What was Kevin excited about six Opening Days ago?
Opening Day is now Opening Days, but Bug Selig’s efforts to attract more casual fans by spacing out the openers haven’t spoiled the return of regular-season baseball.
Here’s what we’ve been able to dredge up on the 29 guys we’ve identified as being on an Opening Day roster but not in Baseball Prospectus 2002.