Edwin Encarnacion could be due for a reup, while A.J. Ellis could lose his job, if not his actual job.
Finding upside in the AL’s lesser rotations.
Did this year’s IBA voters really prefer the player we said they preferred in a tight race?
Start the bandwagon: The next criminally underrated HOF candidate is today’s criminally underrated superstar.
Ben Revere is reunited with Jon Papelbon in Washington; Drew Storen bids good riddance.
Why do these two teams like each other’s pitchers so much?
The Toronto Blue Jays name a new GM.
Probably not the one you’re thinking of, if you’re thinking of one at all.
How a mystery that began with R.A. Dickey ended with a new, more precise way of measuring catcher performance.
The Blue Jays kept the series alive and, perhaps more importantly, kept David Price available.
The Cubs try to get back in, while the Royals try to regain control.
The starters who clinched their teams’ Game Fives are back.
Thirteen months ago, the Royals and Blue Jays had baseball’s longest postseason droughts. Now, they play for a trip to the World Series.
Nothing in the seventh inning of Toronto-Texas is as it seems, until Jose Bautista shows up.
Although we’ve come to the end of the road, still I can’t let go.