Stacking up the rotation arms based on their long-term fantasy potential.
Ranking starters based on their fantasy value from now through 2016.
Breaking down the arms to help you decide on the optimal strategy for your league.
The league’s highest-payroll team is loaded with fantasy goodness.
Zack Greinke gets the ball for the Dodgers in the first Championship Series elimination game.
The guys try something new where they watch the game together, start to finish – all 13 innings!! – and record their thoughts. We’re really interested in the feedback on the format. The next one we do – if we do one – will be live so you can listen to us in realtime.
October once again becomes the Beltran show, Greinke is great, and Mattingly makes mistakes.
After dropping Thursday’s opener, the Braves look to Mike Minor to avoid leaving home down 2-0.
Why timing is everything when it comes to buying big free agents.
Ian Kennedy, Zack Greinke, and the probabilistic approach to determining intention.
And why a few suspensions won’t stop an ugly scene from occurring again.
How baseball’s latest brawl was emblematic of American culture.
Ben and Sam discuss the brawl between the Dodgers and Padres, then talk about Ben’s latest catcher framing research.
R.J. goes back over his free agent rankings to see what teams knew that he didn’t.
At some point, owners complaining about high salaries may start to lose credibility. Matt says that point is now.