A little something to take your mind off the forthcoming cinematic pantheon-dweller…
In last week’s Can, I took a gander at the minor league power indicators of some of today’s most potent hitters in an effort to find the most accurate power indicators at the minor league level. The study pool (Group A) comprised the 25 active leaders in slugging percentage who had logged at least 3,000 ABs in the majors. The group included such heavies as Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Manny Ramirez and Vladimir Guerrero.
This time around, we’ll look at Group B–those that, despite strong minor-league SLGs, have been at least vaguely disappointing in the bigs. To populate Group B, I included anyone with a career minor league SLG of at least .490, at least a 10 percent decline in their SLG in the majors (you’ll recall that almost all of today’s elite power hitters posted higher SLGs at the major league level) and at least 1,750 ABs in the majors.
Once again, here’s a brief glossary of the statistics used in this study:
MLB SLG – The hitter’s slugging percentage at the major league level.
Mi SLG – The hitter’s minor league slugging percentage.
Mi ISO – The hitter’s minor league isolated slugging percentage, which is simply SLG minus batting average. A minor league ISO of around 0.200 or greater generally indicates a high level of raw power.
Mi AB/2B – The hitter’s minor league ratio of at-bats to doubles. Put another, way it’s the average number of at-bats between doubles for that particular hitter. It’s been theorized that hitters in the minors who hit a lot of doubles will develop additional home run power as they mature.
Mi XBH% — The hitter’s minor league extra-base hits expressed as a percentage of total hits.
Rookie Age – The age at which the hitter reached the majors, more or less, to stay.
And here are the results for those heinous layabouts of Group B:
Rookie Name MLB SLG Mi SLG Mi ISO AB/2B Mi XBH% Mi AB Age ------------------------------------------------------------------ Beltre, A. 0.421 0.546 0.239 15.7 40.7 1,395 19 Biggio, C. 0.432 0.517 0.173 13.1 32.7 97 22 Burrell, P. 0.475 0.568 0.254 14.5 43.4 725 23 Casey, S. 0.459 0.540 0.203 11.7 35.4 967 24 Erstad, D. 0.427 0.492 0.164 16.1 31.0 482 22 Grace, M. 0.442 0.518 0.186 15.6 32.7 985 24 Guillen, J. 0.427 0.520 0.214 17.5 36.3 1,573 21 Johnson, C. 0.434 0.501 0.231 16.4 44.2 954 24 Kapler, G. 0.430 0.536 0.229 12.1 43.8 1,933 23 Karros, E. 0.458 0.524 0.195 13.9 35.0 1,825 24 Konerko, P. 0.472 0.536 0.230 17.7 37.7 1,909 22 Lee, T. 0.410 0.615 0.284 13.0 44.8 493 23 Ramirez, A. 0.432 0.514 0.211 15.9 37.7 1,734 22 Walker, T. 0.432 0.518 0.197 16.9 33.6 1,806 24 Zeile, T. 0.426 0.498 0.217 16.8 40.6 1,700 24
The composites for the 15 hitters in Group B:
Mi SLG Mi ISO AB/2B Mi XBH% AB Rookie Age 0.526 0.215 15.1 37.9 1,265 22.7
And a look back at the composites for Group A:
Mi SLG Mi ISO AB/2B Mi XBH% AB Rookie Age 0.477 0.180 17.4 34.3 1,413 22.4
There’s some obvious self-selection going on here, in that I chose Group B based on its high component minor league SLGs. Even so, some observations can be made:
- I speculated last time that a XBH% of 40.0 or greater might portend exceptional power production at the next level. Adrian Beltre, Pat Burrell, Charles Johnson, Gabe Kapler, Travis Lee, and Todd Zeile would beg to differ.
- Although the variance isn’t exactly jaw-dropping, Group A did reach the majors at an earlier age. So clearly it’s unspeakably critical for a future slugger to reach the Show before his 22.5th birthday. You heard me.
- Sean Casey hit doubles at a higher rate than anyone in the study, but it didn’t translate to more home run power in future seasons.
- Beltre’s failure to develop is truly puzzling–strong raw power indicators and consistently much younger than his peer group.
- There are certainly sample size issues here, but Group B has a larger proportion of its hitters on the far right of the defensive spectrum (four of 15) than does Group A (five of 25). This dovetails with the notion that a hitter who mans a demanding defensive position is less likely to develop his offensive skills as anticipated.
- Group B, somewhat surprisingly, posted an aggregate ISO that was 19.4 percent greater than Group A’s.
- Only one player in the entire study, Group A’s Manny Ramirez, logged an XBH% of at least 45.0. So maybe that is a sure sign of greatness. Work with me.
- Here’s an oddity: Travis Lee has both the highest minor league SLG and lowest major league SLG of any hitter in the study.
- It might seem counterintuitive that Group B, on average, logged fewer minor league ABs than Group A despite reaching the majors at a later age; however, this phenomenon is explained by the fact that an inordinate number of Group B’ers were college- or juco-trained (11 of 15, 73.3%), whereas in Group A only 11 of 25 (44%) retained amateur status beyond high school.
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