
To our beloved Baseball Prospectus readers:

You may have noticed things have changed around here and we’re excited to share! We think you’ll enjoy the experience of having a 21st century website, but we’re sure that you have some questions. We tried to anticipate them below, but if we missed any, we’ll answer and add them to the list below:

What happened?

We’ve moved part of our web platform from 1999 to 20-teens. In short, we’ve put all of our articles on a new site but for now, we’ve left most of our statistics and tools in the last millennium.

All of your account information, downloads, files, comments and password are unchanged.

If you can’t remember your username or password, please use the password reset form

If you experience any other problems, please contact customer service at or leave a message via phone: 858-256-6716.

What changed?

  1. [ed -] Account status – please use this link:
  2. [ed -] The old “Manage Profile” page has been replaced. But if you need access to Bat Signal or your Digital Downloads, these can be found at The New Manage Legacy Page
  3. The editorial playground of the website is a lot cleaner and easier to use.
  4. The new design is also mobile-friendly so you can enjoy the latest from your favorite BP authors without having to carry your desktop with you.
  5. The search functionality is vastly improved. Have you ever tried to find an old BP article without knowing both the author and the month? Do you remember the pain and anguish that caused you? We surely do. In the new “Archive” section, you can easily peruse your favorite topics from past and present BP authors.
  6. The Fantasy and Prospect Pages are actual home pages for your specific interests, rather than just being a list of articles that were designated in a particular category. There will be more to come on these home pages as we continue to build out fun stuff like minor league leaderboards, in- and off-season fantasy valuations, and much more.

How do I access the Bat Signal (super premium feature) and other Digital Downloads?

[ed -] The old “Manage Profile” page has been replaced. But if you need access to Bat Signal or your Digital Downloads, these can be found at The New Manage Legacy Page

Will my old bookmarks work?


I didn’t bookmark my favorite old page, now I can’t find it.

Is it one of these?

Why can’t I access the AX/Depth Charts/SSDA? I’m an annual premium/super-premium subscriber.

Please click “LOGIN” on that page.

How do I stop the recurring billing?


How do I change my credit card for future billing?

Securely update your payment information at

Why won’t my purchase be completed in your online store?

Please enter only the 16 digits for your credit card number. No dashes or spaces.

What is the status of my account?

The BP Billing History does not reflect recurring payments yet. Please email

When will I get a response from Customer Service?

We reply quickly -usually within 24 hours. Please check your spam folder.

What are you working on next?

Leaderboards and player cards, most likely in that order (with some overlap).

I have suggestions/ideas about this redesigned site and I think you should listen to them. How do I get you to listen to them?

Comment away. Our subscribers are our stakeholders and this whole enterprise exists for you. So speak up and let us know what you want. We might actually be able to make it happen.

I have complaints/agita about this redesigned site and I think you should listen to them. How do I get you to listen to them?

Messages to @cdgoldstein on Twitter are probably your best bet here. Page URLs and screen captures are helpful.

So play around with the new features and improved user experience, and enjoy the rest of the postseason. You know we will.


The authors/editors of Baseball Prospectus

Thank you for reading

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Customer Service
Customer comments and feedback are welcome!
Good. Because I've got some comments.

For the most part, I don't mind the redesign, though it will take some getting used to. However, there is some functionality that got lost, which directly affects the ability to read through the site:

The article links don't change color, so I have no way to quickly see which articles I've already read, and which I haven't. Particularly if a late article gets posted, and I don't see it (well, actually now I'm likely to miss it totally) until the next day.

No longer a way to see which articles have new comments that I haven't read. Do you mean I now have to go back into every article from the last couple of days to see if anyone has replied to my comments or added new ones?

I used to be able to go into one of "today's" articles, read it to the bottom, then pick another, and repeat the process until I had read every new article I wanted. Now, the "Latest Articles" box at the bottom of the page doesn't seem to include everything for today, so now I have to keep going back to the home page (and try to figure out which articles I have and haven't already read).

You say that all the old information has been preserved, but when I go to my account, I can no longer see all my old comments. Hope that's just delayed and will be back soon...

In a nutshell, you've actually made it HARDER for me to read the site each day.
Oh good. All the line breaks I included in my comment above to make it easy to read got stripped out...
And I see that comments can no longer be up/downvoted. Yes, *that* will make things better.
I approve this message re: hyperlinks. The main page design is a bit odd in featuring really old (but important) topics. Did the right-side section that had quick posts (like where the podcasts and job opportunities) go away or get hidden?
Kristoffer Ericson
And I had to go back to wordpress to change my display name ... neat!
Danny Young
My one comment (question) is...using the new redesign, how do I contact the individual authors/BP personnel if I have a question. (I have one now regarding the Pecota spreadsheets)
Danny Young
Never mind the previous comment as I found the answer and sent an e-mail with my question.
I tried using The Ax for 2025 and the player projections don't make sense. Is that because the tool is not available yet for the new year or are my "saved leagues" not valid?
Craig Goldstein
2025 PECOTA Projections are not part of The Ax yet, as noted in the post when they were made available.
I will second some of Llarrya's comments: it is not easy to discern which articles I have already read, and you no longer offer the convenient "printer-ready" copy of the articles. Although I can now log in, thanks to assistance from Rob McQuown, I have not been able to change my password back to its original, so I can easily remember it, rather than the deeply secure, but 24 character one I was sent to check in.
Customer Service
We responded to you with the link to customize your password. Please let us know when you have a chance to update it. Thank you for your patience and support!
Change made. Thanks.
Same comments here. I got a new password but don't know how to change it to something memorable. More importantly, the format for printing is lousy.
Customer Service
Michael, once you are logged in, please visit and click "my account". When you scroll down to "generate password", you can click on it and set your own custom password (no limitation on length or characters.) If you have any questions, please email for a faster response. Thank you.
Customer Service
We have "printer friendly" on the list for enhancement. Thank you for your patience.
I was going to make a joke that, as long as the site wasn't ported to the Kintana system, we should be good (why yes, I do read AVClub from time to time. Why do you ask?), but it seems like this port has wreaked it's own brand of havoc on the comments system.

I'd love to keep the up/down voting system (even if it became a stand-in for agree/disagree; its original intent was to encourage quality, not content), and retain the "Previous Comments" section on the My Account page. Links within articles, and "Previous Articles"/"Previous Columns" are *extremely* helpful, especially when catching up, either from the previous day, or a slew of previous columns for prepping in my leagues ("The Call Up" was particularly helpful).

Lastly, maintaining spacing between paragraphs would be great, as I'm sure this comment will make clear as soon as I hit Submit. :-)
The AV Club transitioning to Kinja managed to combine the worst of the AV Club with the worst of the Former Gawker cesspool.

Looking at the new BP comments I'm thinking they'd have just been better off plugging in Disqus.
I second (third) keeping "my comments" somewhere easy to find. That is how I bookmarked my favorite articles that I wanted to use/share with other people and projects.
I have basically the same comments as LLarrya above. Seeing which articles I've read and any new comments. I really do believe you'll see quite a few less clicks on articles unless you can changes/update those features.
russell bryce
So far so good. I'm cautiously optimistic that BP will no longer take forever to load, which was my biggest ongoing issue with the site. Any consideration of a no-ads subscription in the future?
I am a super-premium member and I will say I was disappointed that I still have ads. Hopefully this is something BP will consider in the future.
Mark Stevenson
It's certainly no big deal, but for a good time, search for hit list and then click through on the headlines that result.
Shaun P.
Just wondering - are the RSS feeds gone, or is there a new link for them?
Customer Service
Hi, Shaun. You'll find RSS at
We hope this resolves the issue for you.
Shaun P.
Thank you! I am incredibly grateful that you kept the feeds!
Bruce Reznick
Two features you used to have, which are gone and which I'd like to return:
(1) The titles of articles you've read show up a different color than those you haven't
(2) Separate printable versions of articles; I can't read for pleasure more than one screen at a time.

Thanks for your attention to these.
John Hardman
I'm going to agree with Llarrya's comments as well. I'm not digging the site too much right now and I feel like I am missing content. I feel this way because I know I am not getting all of the new content each day when I look for it. I am a subscriber that usually logs in once daily (usually in the afternoon) and reads all of the content that has been published since the previous day. That way, I get to read each day's content and feel pretty good that I am not missing anything.

I liked having the links I had read be a different color showing had read them. Now I have no idea what's new and what was there a day or two ago. Can you please include all of the day's content in "Today's Articles"?
Bret Sayre
John, thanks for the feedback. All of today's articles are always going to show up in the Latest Articles feed on the right-hand side of the main article each day, so if you look there you won't have to worry about missing anything. I know the coloring of the link is feedback we've gotten from a few readers at this point and are looking into whether that's something we incorporate into the new site.
That helps with today's articles. It doesn't help if an article was posted yesterday *after* I came through and read everything. It may no longer be there, and even if it is, I may not be able to tell/remember whether I had read it. This gets especially tricky with repeated article types/titles, like TAs or Call-ups.
Ok, so now it's been just about 2 weeks. I expressed my views on the changes, and at least a few others seem to agree with me. Now, I know Rome wasn't programmed in a day, and the World Series was going on, so I'm not expecting changes based on feedback to be implemented already. What would be nice is some sort of acknowledgement that comments have been seen, complaints have been registered, and perhaps discussion of what features are/aren't important to the reading (and paying) public, and a feeling that we're not just being blown off.

To this end, I offer myself to discuss these things offline with programmers or decision makers. I don't claim to speak for everyone, but I can discuss how *I* (and apparently some others) used this site.

You can contact me through the email attached to my account, and I can do email, phone, screen-sharing, whatever you want.
Bret Sayre
I can assure you that the comments on here have all been seen and discussed. We appreciate the time everyone is taking to let us know what they care about and what affects their experiences in reading the site. It may not happen overnight, but our ultimate goal is to make sure we've brought this site into the current century without losing any of its core functionality to our subscribers. Of course it won't happen overnight, but it's happening and we're listening. So thank you.
Thanks to the comment formatting stripping out line breaks, thereby making comment hard to read, I wanted to add a separate comment, about, well, comments. As I see it, the redesign has destroyed one of the greatest things about BP -- the commenting community. "Community" is an overused term in regards to online interactions, but here, it was actually appropriate. Articles led to extensive chains of comments, often including known (and influential) regulars, but where any reader could make a useful contribution. Back and forth discussion would result in ideas that would turn up in later articles. In the last two weeks, it seems that the quantity of comments is significantly reduced. Furthermore, it's impossible to find out which articles have had more comments added to them. If I want to see what's been said about an article, I have to explicitly choose to hunt that article down (which, if it's more than a day and a half old, is increasingly difficult). I also can no longer go to my account and see all my old comments, where I could then see if anyone had replied, or if there were any comments I hadn't read.
I give this comment a +1
How do I find my current account status? I don't see the expiration date under My Account unless I'm missing it. And not sure where else it would be.

Customer Service
Hi. It wasn't available earlier, but is available now. You will find your account status by logging into with your username and password. Then click "My Account" on the BP site banner.
Can you bring back some sort of indicator what articles are readable at what membership level?

Oh, and changing the link color for things already read.
I'd like to second all of this, while also pointing out that previously you could read comments on all articles regardless of membership level, whereas that unfortunately no longer appears to be the case.
Customer Service
Hi, yes, our staff is working on more icons to indicate the subscription level needed to read an entire article. The red "BP" logo icon appears in the article-list now, and we hope to make it clearer on other pages. We're sorry that we're not able to change the link color based on if it's been clicked.
Bruce Reznick
Not only do you not have a printer-friendly version of your articles, but the reader-view button on Firefox comes back with "Failed to load article from page". Please choose one of these and implement them! I cannot read more than one paragraph for pleasure from a screen, and I know I'm not the only one.
Bruce Reznick
I hope that waiting 11 days and repeating my question doesn't make me appear excessively impatient. I can tell you that my reader experience has been greatly diminished by your redesign.
How might I compare your offerings? I would like to pay the 4.95 a month but what do I get for that amount.
Customer Service
Hi. There are two primary differences in features included in the One Year Premium subscription that are NOT included in the Monthly Premium subscription: the fantasy draft tool, Player Forecast Manager, and the downloadable PECOTA Weighted Means spreadsheet. Monthly Premium gives you access for 30-days recurring, all articles, Team Tracker, PECOTA Player Cards, sortable stat reports, and more. Monthly Premium is able to be cancelled so you only pay for the months you want to read it. One Year Premium is prepaid and unable to be cancelled. If you have any questions, please let us know at and we'll assist you.
Michael Melissa
Since the redesign I no longer received Tracked Teams emails? Did BP do away with them? I only receive the daily newsletter.
Customer Service
Hi, Michael. The Team Tracker emails regarding news for your Team Tracker players has been temporarily suspended. It will return, but it's a lower priority for our tech staff. Thank you for your patience.
1. When I go to comment on a comment all of the comments just shoot to the top and then I have to scroll down. If I click on the comment box, it once again scrolls up. I have to remember to just start typing.
2. There were so many times that I went to recheck articles based on being able to see how many new comments were added. Maybe the comment color number could change to green if there are new comments?
3. Not sure if I'm happy or sad that I can't add pictures/GIFs in the comment section. Maybe the feature could be added to certain users. Speaking of certain users, it was nice seeing commenters ration of upvotes to downvotes. It made it easier to identify people who are trolling.
I like to print articles and read them. There used to be a print friendly click which elimiated pictures, advertisements, etc. I do not see that now? Does it still exist?
Customer Service
Hi. We have "printer friendly" on the list of features to be included, but it's not available yet. Thanks for your patience with our transition.
erico kokish
Several of my H2H Leagues use a wide variety of different STAT Cats and our drafts need to recognize these conditions. One reason I signed on with BP was to plan my draft after seeing how BP would rate the available players based on these specific Cats. I soon discovered I could not program the player rater data to consider all our Cats, very few of which are obscure. This seems easy for you to fix but I never received guidance or even a response from staff.
Customer Service
Hi, Erico. We're sorry that you didn't receive a reply earlier. Emailing is faster, as we generally respond within 24 hours. We have added a few categories to PFM, so if you're still considering BP, please let us know. Thank you.
Bruce Reznick
I would like to point out that you have listed "printer-ready" on your to-do list for more than two months. At the same time, my browser (Firefox) has a printer-ready icon (it looks like an opened book) which works on 99% of the webpages I visit, but when applied to your articles, gives the error message: "Failed to load article from page". Thus, you are SPECIFICALLY doing something that prevents this mechanism, and I ask that you change it. I have to admit that in the last two months, I have gotten out of the habit of reading BP regularly. This is not something you want to hear from a long-time subscriber, but it's the truth.
Bruce Reznick
I'm not going to let this go. I just checked that an article from wrigleyville DOES load properly into the printer-ready icon. Your inattention to this very basic question is quite troubling.
Bruce Reznick
Is anybody reading this?
I'm starting to wonder. I know they're hip-deep in PECOTA/Annual/Pre-season-rankings, but it's been three months, and, well, we can see how many comments there are on an article (but not how many are new...). Still problems with printer-friendly; still can't tell what articles I have and haven't read; still can't access my old comments; still can't properly format a comment to make it readable... I offered to discuss issues in depth off-line, apparently not interested. Right before the re-launch, they got me to sign up for a couple of extra years, so I'm paid up to like 2020, but my experience is diminshed. I've been happier...
Bruce Reznick
I'd rather hear "this is too hard for us to do" than be ignored like this, literally, for months. I have no intention of renewing, unless the problem is acknowledged. (Maybe this will get their attention.)
Customer Service
Hi, Bruce. The "printer friendly" remains on the list however is it not a current priority. We hope that you'll be patient with us. Thank you!
Bobby Borges
I really hate this new site
My account expires in 2 days and i cant see where to renew subscription. The link from the old legacy page does not work. This site feels really clunky now
Customer Service
Thank you for renewing your BP subscription. Please contact us at if you have any questions.
Found a new issue with the site. Saw Rob Mains' article on Dusty Baker, presented as a Best of 2017 article. Thought of a comment, but realized I probably entered the same thing when the article was first presented. Still can't see all my past comments, so couldn't check it that way. Went to Dusty's BP page, and the article does not appear linked to him (either appearance of it). Checked Rob's author page, and the Best Of presentation appears, but not the original posting. So apparently, I have no way to find the original appearance of the article and the comments upon it. Bit of a Fail, that.
Chris Lakey
Did Bat Signal go away for good?
Customer Service
Hi, Chris. We'll email you directly about Bat Signal. Sorry for the delay. You can always reach us at
Trying to print articles like I used to but do not see how. Please advise. Thank you very much.
Customer Service
Hi. We do not yet have the "printer friendly" option. Our staff has it on the list for future development but we don't have any time estimate due to other priorities.
Sorry but... look at the comments from your followers. Your front page of your new format is not working. In fact, it sucks. Followers now need to “guess” about the contents of articles, no time. I migrate from oprning page to FG or Bhq. You hurt yourselves, a self inflicted wound.... admit the new look does not work. Look at the commentary they care. Most just walk away...
Customer Service
Hi, Coach K. We appreciate the feedback. Our staff continues to make adjustments within our new format. We hope you will check back on Baseball Prospectus.
John Farrell
No problem with the upgrade, but I'm keenly interested in the players to target/avoid series and I'm sure I'm not the only one...I've been searching a bit and the only conclusion I have drawn is that this series only just begun with 2B. I hope that is true, but I would suggest isolating this series away from all the other articles and promoting it. I don't want to have to search and hope I didn't miss anything. If I click on 2B I want to see, at the very least, at the bottom of the page, all the other position articles in one place separate and apart from everything else. Maybe I'm jumping the gun and that will happen eventually, but I just felt like chiming in. Thanks for everything. - John
Customer Service
Hi, John. You will find all of the Positional Series was updated, except for the current week which is available in the "Recent Articles" listing. At the end of this week, we'll update the Positional Series page ( with all of last links. Thank you!
David Mawson
I cannot access my Team Tracker. I was using it just now on the legacy site, then POOF! I was asked to log in again. I get redirected to the redesigned page.

I have tried all of the solutions you suggest. I cleared my cookies. I changed my password. I keep getting redirected to the new page, which tells me I am logged in.

Is there a logical reason why the Team Tracker cannot be accessed on the redesigned page?

This is very frustrating.
Customer Service
Hi, David. Please delete any BP-cookies from your browser history (baseballprospectus,, and others). Then log into with your username and password. Removing the old cookies will resolve the issue. If you have any trouble, please contact and we'll assist you.
How do I get the free month of Premium access?
Scott Schlegel
Good morning. Will the prospect tracker still be updated for 2018?
So, another month has gone by, the last question below was never answered, no fixes have been rolled out. Comments are still a pain to enter/read, and there's still no way to access the comment history. The front page is still harder to navigate than previously if you're interested in anything older than about 24 hours. Other requests (Printer Friendly, for example) have been apparently blown off. So have offers to discuss issues in detail offline. "Our subscribers are our shareholders and this whole enterprise exists for you. So speak up and let us know what you want." -- My foot. Right before this was rolled out, many of us were suckered in by an offer to extend our subscriptions at the old rate. I'm now paid into 2010. Do we need to start asking for our money back?
Ok, it appears that the illusion of improving the site is officially over. No answers here in months, and two of my comments about the formatting of the Hit List were removed. Who do I talk to about about getting a refund for the next two years of subscription since they were apparently solicited under false pretenses?
Basic user here, trying to view articles but article says I need a subscription to view it - any advice?
@ Myself - got it solved
Hi, i would like to know if there is a way to have PECOTA's data of every player in only 1 spreadsheet.
Do you get to read any articles with the basic free subscription? Thanks!
James Budd
I am a premium subscriber and cannot access The AX. Please contact appropriate person. Cannot find Contact Us button.
Robert Carden
Anyone know when 2020 sortable stats will become available?
James Johnson
Sure would like to have access to 2020 stats.
Jim Cassidy
When will 2021 Scoresheet Baseball Rankings be out?
I ordered the BP 2021 book at Amazon but the expected delivery date is March 29. I want to cancel that and order your Kindle version but I can't find the ebook on your site. Is it still available?
Craig Goldstein
Hi Dennis,

The eBook should absolutely still be available. For what it's worth, we have no reason to believe the revised delivery date is accurate. This happened last year and books were delivered on time. We have inquired with Amazon as to why the date changed, but have not heard back. To our knowledge, they will still ship on time.
I ordered it through iBooks
I am entering kept players from my league into the ax. I was assuming they would be removed from the database so I could see the best of who's left, but they are all still there. Is there an article showing how to use the ax?
Craig Goldstein
Hey Dennis, this should help you out:
Jim Cassidy
The Scoresheet Draft Aid is missing players. Nelson Cruz/Kevin Pillar are just 2 that I've found so far. Is there going to be a revision this month? If I can't trust it to be a complete list of available players in my draft it could do more harm than good.
Mark Richardson
what happened to the new manage legacy page? Where are the 100 player comparable?
When I view the pitchers' leaderboard and check the PECOTA box, the IP amounts are materially different from the IP amounts when the PECOTA box is not checked. I see similar differences when I check and uncheck the PECOTA box on the hitters' leaderboard. Why is there a difference?
Craig Goldstein
One is ROS projections while the other is to-date performance
Mitchell Coffin
Why can't I use Ax I've tried getting ahold of you guys for the last week?
Craig Goldstein
Hey Mitchell, The Ax runs on a slightly different version of the site and sometimes the login doesn't carry over. Are you sure you're logged in when trying to use The Ax? I have otherwise passed this question along to customer service.
Hello, I have an upcoming 12 team 5x5 roto draft: 9(P) and 11(H) + 8 bench.
Categories are QS vs Win; OPS vs AVG; and (S+H) vs SV
I'm OK with targets for 7 of the 10 categories, but not for QS, OPS, and (S+H).
If you could help me with these it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.
P.S. Its a brand new league, so I have no history to draw from.
I don't know if this is still being watched, but the player search feature is incredibly slow for others, right? It's so slow, I search a name and click to another tab while waiting. I realize that's silly, but I do it every time. And the "search 'like' names" doesn't work well or at all. I missed a letter in Max Sherzer's name and got no result. I think it's been like this since the redesign and I realize a whole website's programming is hard, but this is an absolute key feature. I want people outside this website to reference DRA and DRC, but if it takes 3x as long compared to Fangraphs, who is willingly going to make that migration?
Firefox, multiple updated versions over time. uBlock Origin add-on.
Craig Goldstein
Yes, it is slow for everyone including us. It is on the list of things to attend to, certainly and something we're working towards.
Angelo Kostas
What does SSIM stand for?
9 @ a time
When is the Sxoresheet draft aid going to be updated to 2022 states?
Chris amand
Hi, when will PECOTA and The Ax projections be released for 2023? Thank you.
Craig Goldstein
PECOTA is always released the tuesday following the Super Bowl. The Ax will be updated sometime during that week, likely in the earlier portion.
Mark Richardson
Please explain what your percentile tabs are for at bottom of PECOTA spread sheet. Thanks!
Craig Goldstein
Hey Mark, hope this helps:
David Love
How can I give my grandson a premium gift subscription?

David Love
Craig Goldstein
Hi David,

This link should take you to our store for a gift subscription:
Mark Richardson
are you going to issue new/updated PECOTA spread sheets for subscribers to download? I am a subscriber, but the latest spread sheet I have access to is dated 3-30-2023.
Craig Goldstein

We generally do not issue new spreadsheets in-season. The PECOTA projections are available any time via the leaderboards if you are logged in and click "show PECOTA." From there you can download a csv spreadsheet. We should be switching to our "Rest of Season" projections shortly.
John Philip
Hi. Is there an Ohtani pitcher page? When I search for him, all I seem to do is land on his batting page.

Thanks for a great site overall!
James Parzych
I haven't been able to access the last couple of days - is it down for maintenance or is there a problem?
Jim Butler
Will you be updating the Scoresheet tool with 2024 player numbers and projections?
Thomas Quinn
I am not finding NL American Association in your "Scoresheet Draft Aid" page. Perhaps it is due to the draft being currently in progress when most Scoresheet drafts finished over the weekend. Nevertheless, please fix this glitch in the system at this time seeing as this draft continues for 2 more days.
Customer Service
Hi, Thomas. Please look in your email for a reply from BP Customer Service (it may be in your spam folder, if it's not in your inbox.)
when is the scoresheet aid tool be updated with 2025 projections.
Craig Goldstein
Scoresheet updates come from scoresheet themselves, it's not something we can control, unfortunately.
Jim Butler
When will you post the 2025 Scoresheet Draft Aid?
Thanks! Also, if not too late, can you add projected WHIP for pitchers?
Kellys Heroes
I'm trying to find 2025 projected WAR. The 2024 "final" WAR is listed when I go to: Statistics > Hitting Leaderboard. Is there a place for 2025 WAR projections?
Craig Goldstein