Infinite Inning 268: A Broom of Twigs as Are We All Casey Stengel, Winston Churchill, the 1962 Mets, Lavengro, what a besom is, Theodore Roosevelt, the Reverend Dr. Russell M. Brougher, the efficacy of prayer, Ed Konetchy, infidelity and early marriages, early chocolate beverages, Hernan Cortes, polyamory in the early 20th century Phillies ownership suite, managed by a dentist, dear old dad, Bobo Newsom, Shanty Hogan, Dadaism, the Marx Brothers, and the Beatles, Bob’s dad and the 1940 World Series, The Man from C.I.N.C.I.N.N.A.T.I., Pronoun: Bobo, peat-bog mummies and their offspring, Targaryens and Habsburgs, Dad and Bing, Dad and Rickey Henderson, Rickey and postseason shares, ancient Dodgers first basemen with tragic ends, Tim Jordan, Jake Daubert, Del Bissonette, the Chalmers Award, the Vincent Van Gogh exit, Lefty Gomez’s last words, and goodbyes.
The Infinite Inning is not only about baseball but a state of mind. Steven Goldman, rotating cohosts Jesse Spector, Cliff Corcoran, and David Roth, and occasional guests discuss the game’s present, past, and future with forays outside the foul lines to the culture at large. Expect stats, anecdotes, digressions, explorations of writing and fandom, and more Casey Stengel quotations than you thought possible. Along the way, they’ll try to solve the puzzle that is the Infinite Inning: How do you find the joy in life when you can’t get anybody out?
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